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[脊髓]中央核 (人体解剖学)
中央核(central nucleus of spinal cord),人体解剖
[胫骨]外侧面 (人体解剖学)
外侧面(lateral surface of tibia),人体解剖学名词,胫骨
中脑导水管周围灰质 (人体解剖学名词)
中脑导水管周围灰质(periaqueductal gray matter)是20
接触脑脊液的神经元 (人体解剖学名词)
接触脑脊液的神经元(CSF-contacting neuron,cerebros
胰十二指肠上淋巴结 (人体解剖学)
胰十二指肠上淋巴结(superior pancreaticoduodenal l
胰十二指肠下淋巴结 (人体解剖学)
胰十二指肠下淋巴结(inferior pancreaticoduodenal l
胰十二指肠下前静脉 (人体解剖学)
胰十二指肠下前静脉(inferior anterior pancreaticod
[筛前神经]鼻内支 (人体解剖学)
[筛前神经]鼻内支(internal nasal branches of ant
胰十二指肠上后动脉 (人体解剖学名词)
胰十二指肠上后动脉(posterior superior pancreatico
功能性磁共振成像术 (人体解剖学名词)
功能性磁共振成像术(functional magnetic resonance
胰十二指肠下后静脉 (人体解剖学)
胰十二指肠下后静脉(inferior posterior pancreatico
[右心室]前乳头肌 (人体解剖学名词)
[右心室]前乳头肌(anterior papillary muscle of r
胰十二指肠上前静脉 (人体解剖学名词)
胰十二指肠上前静脉(superior anterior pancrea icod
胰十二指肠上后静脉 (人体解剖学)
胰十二指肠上后静脉(superior posterior pancrenatic
胰十二指肠上前动脉 (人体解剖学)
胰十二指肠上前动脉(anterior superior pancreaticod
[前庭神经节]下部 (人体解剖学)
[前庭神经节]下部(inferior part of vestibular ga
[右心室]前乳头肌 (人体解剖学)
[右心室]前乳头肌(anterior papillary muscle of r
[软脊膜]齿状韧带 (人体解剖学名词)
[软脊膜]齿状韧带(denticulate ligament of spinal
[右肺动脉]上叶支 (人体解剖学)
[右肺动脉]上叶支(superior lobar branch of right
[三叉神经]感觉根 (人体解剖学名词)
[三叉神经]感觉根(sensory root of trigeminal ner
[颈筋膜]气管前层 (人体解剖学)
[颈筋膜]气管前层(pretracheal layer of cervical
[脑膜中动脉]眶支 (人体解剖学)
[脑膜中动脉]眶支(orbital branch of middle menin
[十二指肠]水平部 (人体解剖学名词)
[十二指肠]水平部(horizontal part of duodenum)是2
[左心室]前乳头肌 (人体解剖学)
[左心室]前乳头肌(anterior papillary muscle of l
肩胛舌骨肌锁骨三角 (人体解剖学名词)
肩胛舌骨肌锁骨三角(omaoclavicular triangle)是2014年
[三叉神经]感觉根 (人体解剖学)
[三叉神经]感觉根(sensory root of trigeminal ner
[右肺动脉]下叶支 (人体解剖学名词)
[右肺动脉]下叶支(inferior lobar branch of right
[右上肺静脉]后支 (人体解剖学)
[右上肺静脉]后支(posterior branch of right supe
[肱骨]内侧髁上嵴 (人体解剖学)
内侧髁上嵴(medial supracondylar ridge of hume
[咽上缩肌]翼咽部 (人体解剖学名词)
[咽上缩肌]翼咽部(pterygopharyngeal part of supe
[耳神经节]交感根 (人体解剖学名词)
[耳神经节]交感根(sympathetic root of otic gangl
[肋间神经]前皮支 (人体解剖学名词)
[肋间神经]前皮支(anterior cutaneous branch of i
[十二指肠]水平部 (人体解剖学)
[十二指肠]水平部(horizontal part of duodenum),人
[咽下缩肌]甲咽部 (人体解剖学名词)
[咽下缩肌]甲咽部(thyropharyngeal part of inferi
[下颌神经]脑膜支 (人体解剖学名词)
[下颌神经]脑膜支(meningeal branch of mandibular
[眶下神经]上唇支 (人体解剖学名词)
[眶下神经]上唇支(superior labial branch of infr
[眶下神经]下睑支 (人体解剖学名词)
[眶下神经]下睑支(inferior palpebral branch of i
[右肺动脉]下叶支 (人体解剖学)
[右肺动脉]下叶支(inferior lobar branch of right
[脑膜中动脉]额支 (人体解剖学名词)
[脑膜中动脉]额支(frontal branch of middle menin
[膜半规管]固有膜 (人体解剖学名词)
[膜半规管]固有膜(proper membrane of semicircula