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中风闭证 (中医药学)
中风闭证(apoplexy with blocking syndrome),中医
额旁3线 (中医药学)
额旁3线(épángxiàn Ⅲ,MS4,lateral line 3 of f
补血固脱 (中医药学)
补血固脱(replenishing blood for relieving de
火曰炎上 (中医药学)
火曰炎上(fire characterized by flaring up),中
结扎疗法 (中医药学)
结扎疗法(ligating therapy),中医药学名词,用线结扎或用绳结扎,
厥阴中风 (中医药学)
厥阴中风(Jueyin disease with wind affection)
里病出表 (中医药学)
里病出表(interior disease involving superfic
清肝泻肺 (中医药学)
清肝泻肺(clearing liver-fire and purging lun
清热通淋 (中医药学)
清热通淋(clearing heat and freeing strangury
妊娠贫血 (中医药学)
妊娠贫血(anemia during pregnancy),中医药学名词,以孕妇
少阳传阴 (中医药学)
少阳传阴(Shaoyang disease transmitting to in
肾气虚证 (中医药学)
肾气虚证(syndrome of deficiency of kidney qi
湿阻气机 (中医药学)
湿阻气机(dampness hampering qi movement),中医药
水气凌心 (中医药学)
水气凌心(water pathogen attacking heart),中医药
胎风赤烂 (中医药学)
胎风赤烂(infantile marginal blepharitis),中医药
阴极似阳 (中医药学)
阴极似阳(extreme yin with yang manifestation
治痈疡法 (中医药学)
治痈疡法(method for treating sores and carbu
[制]霜 (中医药学)
霜(frost-like powder),中医药学名词,将净药材碾碎如泥状,压去
腐皮遮睛 (中医药学名词)
腐皮遮睛(rotten membrane covering eye)是2013年
双踝骨折 (中医药学名词)
双踝骨折(bimalleolar fracture)是2013年全国科学技术名词
胆郁痰扰 (中医药学)
胆郁痰扰(stagnated gallbladder qi with distu
化痰散结 (中医药学)
化痰散结(dissipating phlegm and resolving ma
胎产损伤 (中医药学)
胎产损伤(infantile disease due to fetal inju
温阳散寒 (中医药学)
温阳散寒(warming yang for dispelling cold),中
温阳行气 (中医药学)
温阳行气(warming yang for activating qi-flow
医林改错 (中医药学)
医林改错(Yilin Gaicuo,Correction on Errors i
阴阳辨证 (中医药学)
阴阳辨证(syndrome differentiation of yin-yan
脏腑相合 (中医药学)
脏腑相合(interconnection of zang-fu viscera)
肿疡作痒 (中医药学名词)
肿疡作痒(itching due to swollen sore)是2013年公
复位手法 (中医药学名词)
复位手法(reduction manipulation)是2013年公布的中医药
串雅内编 (中医药学)
串雅内编(Chuanya Nei Bian,Internal Therapies
大怒伤肝 (中医药学)
大怒伤肝(rage impairing liver),中医药学名词,过度愤怒可使
倒睫拳毛 (中医药学)
倒睫拳毛(trichiasis and entropion),中医药学名词,胞睑
调理冲任 (中医药学)
调理冲任(coordinating Chong and Conception V
攻下冷积 (中医药学)
攻下冷积(treating coagulated cold by purgati
寒热如疟 (中医药学)
寒热如疟(chill and fever similar to malaria)
化痰消瘿 (中医药学)
化痰消瘿(dissipating phlegm for eliminating
脉应四时 (中医药学)
脉应四时(congruence of pulse with four seaso
祛痰化浊 (中医药学)
祛痰化浊(expelling phlegm and resolving turb
伤寒劳复 (中医药学)
伤寒劳复(recurrent exogenous cold disease ca