顾澄清,男,现年73岁,现家住醴陵城关镇,16岁开始学习陶瓷彩绘艺术工作,解放后参加国营企业陶化加工厂至59年再调入醴陵艺术瓷厂,后转为醴陵群力瓷厂,一直是从事于釉下陶瓷彩绘设计生产工作,74年参加为毛主席82生日专用瓷设计画面工作。双面花釉下五彩薄胎碗花画面为红芙蓉碗,先后还设计了许多高级礼品瓷和联合国专用瓷画面,及赠送给英国首相撒切尔夫人的鸳鸯戏水挂盘和毛主席纪念堂专用瓷釉下芙蓉。Gu ChengQing, M, aged 73 years old, who lives now Chengguan town of Liling, 16-year-old started to learn painting ceramic art work, after the liberation I was on the Gardens of the state-owned enterprises to participate in processing plants and then transferred to 59-year Liling porcelain art, and then Qu